Abortion is a medical procedure. As with any medical procedure, you should gather all of the information about the procedure, risks and side effects associated with it. This information will help you make a decision and be confident in your choice.
Aid for Women does not provide abortion services, the abortion pill, or abortion referrals.
Below are a list of common questions about abortion, the morning after pill and the abortion pill at home abortion.

I’m not ready to have a baby. What can I expect from the morning after pill?
Morning-After Pill or Emergency Contraception (Plan B One-Step® and Ella®) | Up to 72 Hours
How does the morning-after pill work?
The morning-after pill can be taken during the first few hours or days following unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure. Since the effects can occur after conception, emergency contraception pills may cause medical abortions.
Plan B One-Step and Ella are two commonly known emergency contraceptives. Plan B One-Step contains a large amount of levonorgestrel that is taken within 72 hours of intercourse. Ella contains ulipristal acetate, a drug in the same class as mifepristone, better known as the abortion pill or RU-486. Ella can be taken up to 5 days after intercourse. Depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle, both drugs may also work by delaying your normal ovulation process. Plan B One-Step and Ella Should not be taken if you think you are pregnant or used as a routine form of birth control.
Abortion Pill (RU-486, Mifeprex®/Mifepristone) | Up to 9 weeks
How does the abortion pill work?
A physical exam is first given in order to determine eligibility for the abortion pill (also called medical or chemical abortion). There are several pregnancy and medical conditions which do not allow the use of the abortion pill.
During the first office visit, you are given mifepristone pills to take orally. Mifepristone blocks the effects of your natural hormone progesterone and causes the uterine lining to break down. This stops the flow of nutrition and blood to the embryo and prevents the pregnancy from continuing.
Two to three days later, you will take the second set of pills, misoprostol, at home. This will cause contractions that expel the embryo. This expulsion process may take a few hours or as long as a few days so it is recommended you stay home until the process has completed. A physical exam is given two weeks later to ensure the abortion was completed and to check for complications.
What are the risks and side effects related to the abortion pill?
Immediate and long-term risks and side effects of the abortion pill may include:
- cramping
- headaches
- nausea
- fatigue
- fever and chills
- dizziness
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- infection
- heavy bleeding
- trauma from seeing embryonic parts expelled
- possible birth defects if pregnancy is not successfully terminated
All methods of medical abortion have an associated failure rate, and surgical abortion may be required to complete the abortion. Reasons for surgical intervention include prolonged or excessive bleeding, incomplete abortion (remnants of fetal tissue in the uterus) or an ongoing pregnancy.

Surgical Abortion

Surgical Abortion (Dilation and Evacuation or D & E) | After 24 weeks – The procedure typically takes 2-3 days and is associated with increased risk to the life and health of the mother. Because a live birth is possible, injections are given to cause fetal death. This is done in order to comply with the Partial Birth Abortion Act of 2003 which requires the fetus to be dead before complete removal from the mother’s body. The medications (digoxin and potassium chloride) are either injected into the umbilical cord, amniotic fluid, or directly into the fetus’ heart. Fetal parts are reassembled after removal from the uterus to make sure nothing is left behind to cause infection or bleeding. An alternate technique, called “Intact D & E” is also used. The goal is to remove the fetus in one piece, reducing the risk of leaving body parts behind or of causing damage to the woman’s body. This procedure requires the cervix to be opened wide enough to bring out the fetus head intact.
What are the risks and side effects related to surgical abortions?
Immediate risks and side effects of surgical abortions may include:
- cramping
- nausea
- fever
- abdominal pain
- anesthesia complications
- infection
- damage to the cervix
- heavy or prolonged bleeding
- endotoxic shock
- convulsions
- blood clots
- tearing of the uterine lining
- death
Long-term risks and side effects of surgical abortions may include:
- scar tissue
- increased risk of breast cancer
- increased risk of cervical cancer
- damage to reproductive organs
- increased risk of infertility
- increased risk of miscarriage

Beyond the Physical
How will I feel after an abortion?
The reality and trauma of an abruptly ended pregnancy can bring on emotional and psychological side effects, ranging from regret to more serious complications like depression. You may experience these effects immediately following the abortion or unexpectedly several months to years later. The intensity or duration of these effects will also vary from one person to another.
- regret
- anger
- guilt
- depression
- anxiety
- sense of loneliness or isolation
- loss of self-confidence
- flashbacks of pregnancy or abortion
- insomnia or nightmares
- eating disorders
- relationship issues
- suicidal thoughts

Abortion Alternatives
I can’t go through with an abortion, but what other options do I have?
You have two choices when facing an unexpected or difficult pregnancy — ending the pregnancy through abortion or continuing the pregnancy. The decision to continue with your pregnancy can be overwhelming and frightening, but you are not alone. Aid for Women will provide the support and guidance you need as you continue your pregnancy and either start your journey to parenthood or consider an adoption plan.
The choice to parent is a challenging and rewarding decision. Many women say that an unexpected pregnancy turned their world upside down but that having their baby turned it right side up. Parenting is a very courageous and loving choice.
You will not be alone in your decision to continue your pregnancy. Aid for Women can help answer questions like:
- How can I afford to have a baby right now?
- Where can I find information about insurance, hospitals and doctors?
- How will I tell my family?
- Where will I live with my baby?
- How can I continue my education?
- How will a pregnancy affect my job?
- What resources are available if I choose to raise my child?
We also offer pregnancy and parenting classes, support groups and material assistance (maternity clothes, baby clothes, diapers, cribs, strollers, etc.) Additionally, we have access to a large network of local resources — including referrals for healthcare, housing, food, clothing and employment.
If your current life circumstances are making a decision to parent difficult, let Aid for Women offer you our assistance and support. We will help you during your pregnancy and in planning a future for yourself and your baby. We care about you and your baby and will help you find the support and resources you need to parent your child.
Could adoption be a good plan for you and my baby? If current circumstances in your life make parenting seem difficult, you may want to consider an adoption plan. Many women consider abortion because they feel that it is not the right time to have a baby. Adoption is a way to give your baby a future. Adoption can provide both a loving and life-giving choice for the mom, baby and adoptive family.
Benefits of choosing adoption include:
- You can pursue education and career plans;
- You can live independently;
- You will not parent before you are ready;
- You will have plenty of time to plan your future and your baby’s future;
- You can choose to have continued contact with your child (in open adoption) and know how he or she is growing and developing.
As with the parenting and abortion options, it is important to understand the adoption option and to make a fully-informed decision. At Aid for Women, you can learn how the adoption process works and clear up any myths you may have heard about adoption. Adoption has changed drastically over the years, and you now have many more options in making an adoption plan.
Although Aid for Women is not an adoption agency, you will not be alone in this decision. Our Client Advocates will provide you with accurate information and direct you to a licensed adoption agency to learn more about this loving and courageous choice.