
Abortion Alternatives

I can’t go through with an abortion, but what other options do I have?

You have two choices when facing an unexpected or difficult pregnancy — ending the pregnancy through abortion or continuing the pregnancy. The decision to continue with your pregnancy can be overwhelming and frightening, but you are not alone. Aid for Women will provide the support and guidance you need as you continue your pregnancy and either start your journey to parenthood or consider an adoption plan.


Could adoption be a good plan for you and my baby? If current circumstances in your life make parenting seem difficult, you may want to consider an adoption plan. Many women consider abortion because they feel that it is not the right time to have a baby. Adoption is a way to give your baby a future. Adoption can provide both a loving and life-giving choice for the mom, baby and adoptive family.

Benefits of choosing adoption include:

  • You can pursue education and career plans;
  • You can live independently;
  • You will not parent before you are ready;
  • You will have plenty of time to plan your future and your baby’s future;
  • You can choose to have continued contact with your child (in open adoption) and know how he or she is growing and developing.

It is important to understand the adoption option and to make a fully-informed decision. At Aid for Women, you can learn how the adoption process works and clear up any myths you may have heard about adoption. Adoption has changed drastically over the years, and you now have many more alternatives in making an adoption plan.

Although Aid for Women is not an adoption agency, you will not be alone in this decision. Our Client Advocates will provide you with accurate information and direct you to a licensed adoption agency to learn more about this loving and courageous choice.

As the birth mother, you are in control when you make an adoption plan. You have the option of choosing the adoptive couple and deciding how involved you would like to be in your child’s life. You can choose an open, semi-open or confidential adoption plan.